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How do I set up Mail Output combining in Lasernet? - Videnbase / Lasernet - Formpipe Software Helpdesk

How do I set up Mail Output combining in Lasernet?



Combining in the Mail Output module works slightly differently than in other combining modules. Rather than combining multiple documents generated by Lasernet into one document, the Mail Output module allows multiple generated documents to be attached to an email as separate attachments. This email can then sent to multiple email addresses as required.

Video Tutorial

Learn how to set up Mail Output Combining with the help of our video tutorial. Click the Watch Video button below:


Follow these steps to set up Mail Output:

1.  Select Modules from the Tools section and then click the Combining option on the Toolbar.

2.  Ensure the Enable Job combining checkbox is selected.


Link and stop criteria can be configured. 

Although JobInfos MailBody, MailCC, etc can be set inside the JobInfos tab of the Mail Output module, to allow generated documents to be linked and attached to an email, Link and Stop JobInfos must be set prior to documents arriving into the Mail Output module.

Link JobInfos

Link JobInfos are used to determine which separate documents should be placed into one email together. These Link JobInfos can be used as a standalone or as multiple JobInfos.

To add a Link JobInfo to the combiner, follow these steps:

1. Click the Link JobInfo button to display the Combining JobInfos pop-up window. 


2.  Click the Add button and a smaller pop-up will appear where a JobInfo can be entered or selected from the drop-down list. Both the system default or custom JobInfos can be used.


Stop JobInfos

In the Mail Output, Stop JobInfos is used to end the combining and release the queue of attachments. Lasernet attaches these attachments to an email.

As Lasernet can process multiple jobs at a time, the recommended method is to use a Stop JobInfo and a time out. If only a time out is used, it can cause performance issues, as all job data must be stored when waiting to be combined and every document must wait for the timeout to expire.

To add a Stop JobInfo to the combiner, click the Stop JobInfo button. A pop-up will appear. As with Link JobInfos, both the system default and custom JobInfos can be used.

Unlike Link JobInfos, Stop JobInfos have the ability to use operands (contains, =, exists, etc). Combined with the ability to create an expression using OR, AND and XOR using multiple criteria, more customisation can be made when defining what is needed to match Stop JobInfos.

Maximum combined Jobs

This option defines the most amount of attachments the combiner can attach to an email. By default, this is set to 0 (infinite). If this limit is reached, the documents stored in the queue will be attached to an email and sent to the recipient.

Time out in seconds

Time out is the amount of time Lasernet will wait until deciding there are no more documents to be matched to the job. If the limit is reached, all documents stored in the queue will be attached to an email and sent to the recipient. By default, the limit is set to 1 second.

Release order

Setting up this option allows the order the attachments are placed into the email to be defined. For example to order the attachments by file name in ascending order. Click Add, input the FileName as the JobInfo name, set the Direction to Ascending and the Type to String.


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